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Lower Body Lift

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes lower body lift different from a tummy tuck?

An abdominoplasty is a procedure that improves the front of a person's trunk, resulting in improved waistline and flatter stomach. This procedure is an excellent choice for the majority of patients with extra skin and fatty tissue around the abdomen. However, some patients have extra skin and tissue that goes all the way around to the back, including the braline. For these patients, and also those with sagging buttocks, a lower body lift (also known as a belt lipectomy), is a great option to improve the whole trunk.

Patients who receive the most benefit from this procedure are those with extra skin and tissue of the abdomen and back (including sagging buttocks) but who are not considered obese. At your consultation Dr. McDaniel will tailor the procedure based on your individual body shape and concerns.

How does a lower body lift work?

A lower body lift starts with removal of extra skin from the back, which also functions to lift the buttocks. This involves an incision that is located along the lower part of the flanks and top part of the buttocks meeting in the middle at the top of the gluteal cleft. Dissection is performed above and below this level, with more or less dissection in each direction based on the amount of extra skin of the back and the amount of buttock lift necessary. After this incision is closed with dissolving stitches the front portion is performed, very similar to a standard tummy tuck. Drains are placed to prevent a fluid collection, and the front section is closed with dissolving stitches as well. As part of the standard abdominoplasty portion of the lower body lift, the rectus abdominis muscles are brought together with permanent sutures, which is referred to as rectus plication.

For patients with extra skin and tissue of the back as well as the stomach, no other operation produces the same amazing results as a lower body lift.Dr. Jarred McDaniel​​

Can other procedures be added to a lower body lift?

Lower body lift may be performed at the same time as other operations in certain cases. The most commonly combined operations would include other body contouring operations, such as a breast lift, arm lift, or thigh lift. Please mention all of your concerns to Dr. McDaniel at the time of your consultation in order to discuss an optimal treatment plan for you.

What will my recovery be like?

Lower body lift and any combined procedures are performed in our private AAAASF-certified operating room. This operation is typically performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you will not have to spend time in the hospital after surgery. Dr. McDaniel will see you in the office the following day to ensure that you are healing well, go over activity restrictions, and help you transition into the first stage of your recovery. Additional follow-up visits will be scheduled after surgery to ensure that you are healing well and are satisfied with the results of you operation. You will not be charged for any postoperative visits.

Patients who undergo lower body lift will often experience tightness of the lower stomach skin due to the significant degree of tissue removal during the operation. Patients often have a small amount of tightness of the back as well. While these sensations are present (usually for about 1 week), you may feel more comfortable walking with slightly bent posture.

You will be provided with a post-surgical abdominal binder on the day of your procedure. It is important that you wear this continuously for four weeks, as it will help lessen your swelling and soreness.

After any procedure, it is important to allow your body the time and the rest it needs to heal properly. Giving thought to your recovery, keeping your plan reasonable, will make your recovery smoother. Generally speaking, patients are able to return to work about 2 weeks after the procedure. Cardiovascular exercise or activities that elevate your heart rate or blood pressure must be avoided for three weeks. Stretching of the torso, which can occur with yoga, pilates, extended reaching, and other activities, should be avoided for 6 weeks after surgery to minimize scar widening.

What kind of scarring can I expect?​

The scars from a lower body lift can be thought of as and extended abdominoplasty scar that goes all the way around the hips to meet at the top of the buttocks. The scars are designed to remain low on the abdomen and back to be hidden by underwear or a bathing suit.

For scar treatment, Dr. McDaniel provides Biocorneum, a silicone-based scar treatment product. After about a year, your scars will have optimized to their best appearance and least visibility.

Typical Tummy Tuck Scar - Abdominoplasty Scar

What does a lower body lift cost? Are there financing plans?

We are committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of your care, and keeping costs reasonable is part of that commitment. A lower body lift costs around $11,300, which includes the cost of CosmetAssure coverage as well as the surgical, facility, and anesthesia fees. We are also offer a multi-procedure discount. 

Gallatin Plastic Surgery offers a variety of financing plans through Care Credit. You can apply online or at our office, we are happy to answer any questions that you might have.

Doctor and staff did a great job allowing me to ask questions and I did not feel rushed. I leave feeling that my issues were discussed and I have an understanding of what is expected. I do also feel if I do have questions or concerns that I may ask at anytime after leaving the office.

– One of our Patients
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