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2 days
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3 days
Back to work
6 weeks
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Frequently Asked Questions

Will my symptoms and appearance be improved by labiaplasty?​

Labiaplasty removes extra tissue of the female external genitals in order to improve appearance and function of the area. Most commonly, the labia minora, or "inner lips," are enlarged. This may cause difficulty with exercise, sexual intercourse, or wearing certain types of clothing, and is often cosmetically distressing. In addition, other components of the genitals may be enlarged, including the labia majora ("outer lips"), and clitoral hood (which is involved in sexual response). In other words, labiaplasty improves both appearance and function.

Labiaplasty is a recently popular surgery compared with many other operations in plastic surgery. Therefore, there are no accepted standards as to what makes a "perfect" or aesthetically optimal labial appearance. Dr. McDaniel will discuss your individual goals and what results you would like to achieve in your complimentary consultation to provide you with the optimal outcome.

What happens during my operation?​

During your procedure, extra tissue is removed and the reshaped, smaller labia are closed with absorbable sutures. The type of repair depends on your amount and pattern of tissue excess. Dr. McDaniel prefers to perform a wedge excision closure, which avoids placing the scar along the entire edge of the labia. However, in certain circumstances an "edge," or linear closure is necessary to correct your concerns. When the labia majora and clitoral hood are also in excess, these areas are addressed at the same time.

Labiaplasty has the ability to transform your body from self-conscious to self-confident!Dr. Jarred McDaniel

Can other procedures be combined with labiaplasty?​

Yes! Labiaplasty may be combined with other procedures of the bodybreast, or faceLiposuction is another frequently combined procedure. At your complimentary consultation, Dr. McDaniel will discuss your concerns and help you create your optimal, individualized treatment plan.

What will my recovery be like?​

Labiaplasty and any combined procedures may be done in our private AAAASF-certified operating room. Either general anesthesia (going to sleep) or local anesthesia (awake with numbing medication) may be used for the operation, based on your preference. Many patients choose local anesthesia for this operation, which is very well tolerated. This also decreases recovery time and expense.

Labiaplasty is classified as an outpatient operation, that will not require a hospital stay. Follow-up with Dr. McDaniel begins the next day, and will be continued over the next weeks and months to ensure you are healing well and pleased with your results. 

Our comprehensive guide for the care of your surgical site will be provided to you before surgery. This helps to keep comfortable and clean after surgery to aid in an uneventful recovery.

The majority of women who undergo labiaplasty are back to work within a week. Cardiovascular exercise should be avoided for three weeks. Any activity that may cause trauma to the surgical site must be avoided until complete healing. This is generally six weeks, and may include exercises such as jogging or bicycling; sexual intercourse; and wearing certain types of underwear.

How much discomfort will I be in after my procedure?​

Postoperative discomfort after labiaplasty is typically mild to moderate. Quicker healing time and return to function will occur with tighter adherence to activity restrictions.

What kind of shape and scarring can I expect?​

One of the primary goals of labiaplasty is to reduce the labia minora to not be visible from the front while standing. In addition, the labia majora, labia minora, and clitoral hood should be proportional to each other after surgery. Importantly, there should not be any significant asymmetry after surgery.

As mentioned before, unlike many areas of plastic surgery, such as facial or breast operations, there are no measured "standards" for what an attractive labia looks like-- therefore Dr. McDaniel will spend additional time with you discussing your goals and the optimal approach to accomplish improvement. 

What will labiaplasty cost? Do I have financing options?

A labiaplasty costs between $4000 and $5200. This is a total cost, which involves all surgical fees as well as preoperative and postoperative care.

Financing options are also available through Care Credit. You can apply at our office or online, and our staff are happy to answer any questions that you might have.

I was given undivided attention and made to feel important. Rare.

– One of our Patients
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